Multigenerational Teams and Tech

Ohh. Another great Cisco Live talk. DEVLIT-1461

REBOOTS, REMAKES and SEQUELS: Multigenerational network engineers and technology

You have a well established franchise that eventually sees the main protagonists handing the baton over to a next generation. But do things really change that much? Reboots, remakes and sequels see the old cast mixing it up with the new, facing recurring and new foes. No, we are not talking Avengers and Star Wars, but blockbusters like “The Revenge of the Data Center Network”, “Monoliths vs Microservices” and “The eBPF”. Many tech teams consist of boomers, genX, millennials and genZ, using technology that spans all generations. What can these team members learn from each other? What technology has never gone away and what new tech challenges do they all face? In this session we will explore how multigenerational teams and technology all come together in order to ultimately to save the day?

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